App Updates


The InSkill team is thrilled to release version 8.0! This release expands the intelligence capabilities of InSkill copilot to new heights.

With this release you now have the ability to ask questions and recive real time answers to access your product's recources and procedures in new ways.

We are also thrilled to introduce components to the InSkill platform. Components offer new way to organize and consume knowlegde about your products.

This release also brings many new improvements including an updated UI to make it even easier to use InSkill.


This version of InSkill includes important enhancements for upcoming new features. Stay tuned for big news!


Version 7.2.0 has several minor improvements and bug fixes


Version 7.1.7 has several minor improvements


This release includes enhancements of the InSkill copilot


The InSkill team is thrilled to introduce the new InSkill Copilot making it easier than ever to get the knowledge you are looking for quickly. Using the new ask interface, you can type your question or describe what you are looking for and on your asset or product.


This version contains a bug fix for offline syncing as well as several minor imporovements.


This release of InSkill provides workers with the ability to resume a session on an asset that was started by a team member. In addition to that, we now offer the ability to make minor edits to photos taken during a task.


This version of InSkill has improvements for searching and saving assets and groups.


This version of synchrotab brings many improvements for field service and machine builders including:

  • the ability to search for and save assets or groups
  • the ability to remove saved assets or groups


Version 7.0.2 of InSkill introduces the ability to favoriting asset groups and to configure which ones are visible or hidden. We have also added the ability to add asset specific resources.

In addition to these changes, this version also includes several minor improvements including refreshing asset configuration after changes, updates to workflows for users with PIN codes, and improvements to html rendering.


This version includes a minor change to asset configuration


In Version 7.0 of InSkill is a major release that introduces the ability to configure assets within your accounts. Assets can carry their own configuration data and track service history, add notes and references. Assets can be organized within groups.


In version 6.1.3 of InSkill, we have fixed minor bugs with periscope and offline sync. Thank you for using InSkill!


Version 6.1.2 of InSkill adds Vietnamese to the app as a supported language.


The latest version of InSkill improves scanning QR with an alias or parent.


The latest version of InSkill includes improvements that allow experts to preview and quick jump to solutions. This version also includes a bug fix for devices with an alias.


The latest version of InSkill contains minor UI improvements for alerts and SSO.


We are excited to announce that version 6.0.0 of InSkill brings support for SSO functionality in the app. In addition to this, dynamic steps have received several improvements allowing you to configure more advanced workflows. Thank you for using InSkill!


Version 5.4.4 of InSkill includes several minor bug fixes and improvements including:

  • localized time display
  • improvements for small screen size
  • improvements to the disclaimer
  • bug fix for drop down search
  • bug fix for deleting products


Version 5.4.0 includes many improvements and upgrades including:

  • Disable expert options for inherited tasks
  • Improvements to dynamic steps
  • Bug fix and improvements for offline sync
  • Auto selecting if there is only one choice in the list
  • null safety
  • Upgrading message bar
  • updated instruction styling
  • Updated QR code scanning
  • Added Burmese translations to the app
  • Added support for mailto links


Version 5.3.2 adds Arabic translations to the app as well as several minor improvements.


This update brings several minor updates and improvements to the UI as well as upgrades to the android build.


Version 5.3.0 includes lots of improvements for the in-app camera. New features include:

  • Flash
  • Tap to focus
  • Pinch to zoom
  • Optional audio for video recordings

Commenting has also been improved. Additionally, expert options are disabled when you are not in the product's master language.


This update brings many new features and improvements to the InSkill app including:

  • A new data view that makes it easier to digest complex data collected during a session. Data now supports multiple levels of objects and arrays.
  • A new view for syncing data for offline use.
  • Supplier QR codes support inherited products
  • Support for web content displayed within a step
  • Periscope mode updates
  • Improved UI for products you do not have permission to use
  • Improvements for Microsoft Word and Excel file resources
  • Ability to copy a session audit for completed sessions
  • Visual updates to the app navigation bar
  • Visual updates to alerts
  • Internationalization updates
  • Camera scaling fix


This version of InSkill includes improvements to offline mode and updated localization for Swedish, French, German, Italian, Dutch, and Finnish.


Version 5.0.3 has some bug fixes and improvements to the UI for smaller devices. A bug in the searchable drop down has been fixed too.


This update includes minor bug fixes and improvements including support for product aliases, additional adaptive design, and improvements for empty step elements and user pins codes.


This update includes a minor bug fix for displaying urls in android.


Version 5.0 introduces branding to the InSkill app. Now you can see manufacturer branding for the products you have in the app. In addition to seeing your company branding, you can also create and publish company resources.

We have also added a recently used list to the product home page that makes it easy to access products that you use frequently

This version also includes several improvements including the ability to search within a list observation.

This update also includes several minor improvements including:

  • improved the workflow for joining accounts and viewing the disclaimer
  • improved adaptive design for larger devices
  • improved offline expertise


New features in this build includes the ability to add comments to a step. This feedback is sent to the account owners and is not publicly visible. This allows crowd sourcing of knowledge from everyone. Comments are never able to be seen by anyone other than portal users who are able to manage knowledge.

This update also includes several minor bug fixes and improvements.

  • improved caching
  • improved offline syncing of documents and resources
  • bug fix for translated content when reverting
  • improved translations
  • upgraded tools including pspdfkit


This update introduces a new user type that requires pin code identification to complete sessions in the app. This update also allows you to export pdf resources from the app so that they can be emailed, shared, or opened into other apps on the device.


Version 4.2.2 enhances the experience for dynamic and document resources referenced in instructions.


Version 4.2.1 includes minor updates to the localization and the addition of a disclaimer visible to new users.


This update has great improvements to offline sync, downloading resources, and file caching. Now when downloading resources a progress is displayed for large file downloads.
File caching has been improved to support very large resources.


Version 4.1.1 has improvements for legacy systems.


4.1.0 brings improvements to dynamic resources. Now pdfs in dynamic resources will open in our pdf viewer for improved usability. When syncing the app for offline use, the app will now keep the phone or tablet from falling asleep so that the sync does not fail on large files. This feature is only on the sync page. Several upgrades and improvements are also included in this release.


Release 4.0.1 brought support for many new languages to the InSkill app. Inskill now supports:

  • English
  • Simplified Chinese
  • Czech
  • Dutch
  • Finnish
  • French
  • German
  • Greek
  • Hebrew
  • Hindi
  • Hungarian
  • Italian
  • Japanese
  • Korean
  • Polish
  • Portuguese
  • Romanian
  • Russian
  • Spanish
  • Swedish

In addition to offering the app UI and content in these languages, the InSkill app now also gives you the ability to request content in the default language of your device. That means that even if the app UI is not yet available in your language, you can still receive content in your native language.

If you would like to see the InSkill app translated into a language that it does not yet support, please reach out to the inskill team at [email protected] and we would be happy to work with you and add support for additional languages.


We are proud to launch version 4.0.0 of InSkill (formerly RevTwo). 4.0.0 includes the InSkill rebrand along with several upgrades and improvements.


3.0.2 now supports multiple lines in the observation drop down. This allows for long stop codes to be fully visible.
This release includes minor improvements to ui including restyling for parts.
Other improvements include:

  • upgrade for pdf handling
  • upgrade to QR code scanner


This update provides important app upgrades.
New features include:

  • Updated ai hints page
  • button restyle
    This update also includes a bug fix for getting the next step after handoff


The 3.0.0 release now supports 11 different languages for both the app's UI and for the content. Content will now be automatically translated into the language you wish to use. Your app's language will be determined by your device's language and it can be changed using the language drop down in the app menu. Supported languages are:

  • English
  • Chinese Simplified
  • French
  • German
  • Hindi
  • Italian
  • Japanese
  • Korean
  • Portugese
  • Russian
  • Spanish

Deep links can now be used to launch a session.

This release also fixes the following issues:

  • Prevent changing a step type from the app when you edit a step
  • Improved offline sync


This update provides the following UI improvements:

  • Added product name, product image, and task name to the app bar
  • Optimized tablet UI view for home page

This release also fixes the following issues:

  • Fix list observation for create / edit step
  • Don’t let you hit enter if you have not selected from the drop down list


This update includes a major improvement for resource viewing. PDFs are now much easier to navigate and quicker to load. New features for PDFs include:

  • search
  • improved viewing and navigation
  • page number navigation
  • thumbnails

This release also fixes the following issues:

  • Pull to refresh now works correctly for small lists of products
  • Cache fix


This update improves resource caching so that they are ready and available when they are needed.
It also includes a UI update to display the completed task name in history.
This release also has a bug fix for android when opening pdfs in the browser.


This update is for a minor bug fix on creating a step with dependencies


This release includes several new features and improvements:

  • Images are now caching to improve speed.
  • Add resource instruction type
  • Add resources to empty step view
  • Hides subtask steps in history

This release fixes the following issues:

  • Image size scaling
  • Create step replaces existing step, order on server fixed


This release provides important app updates and features. Offline mode is now available so that you can sync the AI to your device for use in locations with poor or no service.

Other improvements and features include:

  • Remove demo account from end of task
  • Handle when task no longer exists
  • Don’t revert if adding a new last step
  • improvements to html rendering


This version provides

  • pull to refresh so that it is easy to update your products to their latest version
  • Added resources to session page

Bug fixes include:

  • Subtask fixes
  • Formatting fixes
  • Removed inviting users
  • Change how initial users are restored so home page has updated products & tasks


The 2.0.0 release includes several important new features and improvements.

The serial number field has been added to the product page to easily and optionally track the devices that are being serviced.

This release also supports many new features around PDF resources. Caching has been added for pdf files so that they are available when you need them. Additionally, it is now possible to navigate to specific page numbers.

Other improvements include:

  • removing instruction numbering if there is only one instruction.
  • added additional error catching and logging
  • improved user refresh


This release has many new features and UI improvements including:

  • Demo buttons in app
  • Added join account page
  • Demo opens in safari to enable deep links
  • More documentation
  • More text changes
  • Clears user info out of the invite user form after submitting
  • Text changes
  • More links in the menu
  • Case resolved view
  • No steps view - expert & user
  • No diagnosis created view - expert & user
  • Create product in new user views
  • Invite user from no steps view
  • Diagnose device view, no products
  • Diagnose device view, no accounts
  • Only experts can create products and invite users
  • Edit dependency
  • Data improvements

There are also several bug fixes and improvements:

  • Alternate step fix
  • Last step bug fix
  • Improved expert vs user modes
  • Fix email field to show the email keyboard
  • Api format improvements


  • Added the popup to the new user screens if someone uses the deep link
  • Added text to the new users startup screen saying you can use the deep link to join an account
  • Send user name when creating a diagnosis
  • Added image showing how to drag & drop instructions
  • More styles for new user experience
  • More text for new users
  • Documentation links
  • Updated new user experience
  • Accounts page refreshes
  • Updated new user experience

There are also several minor fixes and improvements:

  • now the app will send you to the settings app if you declined any of the required permissions
  • Padding fix for smaller devices on the new user startup screens
  • Removed text about creating accounts from the home view
  • Fixed the joined account popup showing multiple times
  • Fixed the flashing camera on the instructions editing page aka epileptic camera mode


The latest version includes the addition of pages for management of accounts, users, and products.


This update provides important app upgrades.
New features include:

  • Edit existing step (minus cost & dependency)
  • Text changes
  • Move revert to previous step to the top
  • Restyle revert to previous step
  • Change yes button to blue
  • Change continue button to blue
  • Fix expert options padding
  • Add reorder instructions icon
  • Improve instructions editing sty;e
  • Alert when you authorize via deep link
  • Add video from library
  • Dependencies in the app
  • Removed Resources tab
  • Added alternate step to the no step view
  • Alert if offline
  • Improved styles
  • Media with spaces in the name
  • Show unused steps including unusable ones & why they cant be used
  • Remove revert from history if you are on the first step

This version also includes the following bug fixes:

  • Overflow fixes for different device sizes
  • Prevent editing type of existing step
  • Relative date fix
  • Style and UI fixes
  • Fixed field capitalization and spaces when you use the mic