Step Dependency
During a diagnosis, the AI uses data collected from a machine or from the user, and suggests the best step. A trained AI can learn to do this efficiently, but in the beginning it won't know very much.
Just like you don't hire a new tech without providing training, you can help the AI learn with some hints.
A dependency just says that a step depends on some condition. Since you don't want to ask for observations or suggest solutions that make no sense, dependencies can narrow down where they are applicable. In addition, sometimes an expert knows one step should always come before another. You don't want the AI to learn that by trial and error, you can simply tell it the rule.
Say a step depends on error_code = mf_3214, that step will not be suggested unless that is true.
To create a Dependency, select the Data tab and click on variable. If the product already has variables defined, they will be in a drop-down. Or you can type a variable name and click Add. Then choose the operator from =, <, > or != and finally choose the value to match.
Step Instructions can also have Dependency that filters them to only show relevant information. The method to enter them is the same as seen above.
Updated over 1 year ago