For a hundred years, the product manual has ruled how know-how is transferred in the product purchase process. The AI Copilot disrupts this paradigm. For the first time, know-how will leap off the page and into action. But, as with every innovation, how your organization adopts this important technology matters. InSkill University will discuss how to best implement your new InSkill Copilot into your organization. We will get you and your team ready to hit the ground running with your brand-new AI Copilot.

Before we go into the details, it is important to understand what an AI Copilot is. To answer this question, I asked ChatGPT, and it offered the following answer.
"An AI copilot refers to a system that assists human operators. It provides suggestions, automates certain functions, and enhances decision-making, aiming to improve overall efficiency and safety" - ChatGPT
An AI Copilot is a great tool for the following:
• Upskill workers
• Reduce training requirements
• Enforce standard working procedures
• Troubleshoot issues
• Identify product problems, and
• Improve worker and customer satisfaction
Simply put, AI Copilots provide new and more extensive ways to package and deliver an organization’s know-how. AI Copilots put the power of your entire organization in the hands of the workers who need it, where they need it, and most importantly, when they need it. At InSkill, we grade Copilots based on capability using a simple Level grading system.

Level 1 copilots are the simplest type and are the ones you typically find in the market. Level 6 copilots, on the other hand, are comprehensive and require the most effort to execute, however, a Level 6 copilot delivers more value to the workers who leverage it. Like anything of substance, the execution of a copilot becomes more challenging as products increase in complexity and have more variations.

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Updated 20 days ago
Please go through the 6 levels to learn how to construct your copilot